Monday 5 December 2016

Slow Cooker Fudge

This is a recipe my mum begged me to make, and now I've made it once she wants a constant supply of fudge!

The basic recipe is simple, into a slow cooker on a low heat you put 500g of chocolate, about 25g of butter, a can of condensed milk and a generous slug of vanilla extract for a regular chocolate fudge that is rich and delicious. All you have to do is give it a good stir about every 10 minutes for 2 hours and then pour into a lined tray and put in the fridge to cool.

Now I've made this recipe a few times I'm experimenting with flavours to find combinations that work nicely. Cherry, Amaretto and Pina Colada have all been tried out. An issue that can occur if you need to put a lot of liquid in for the taste to come through is that the fudge doesn't set as hard. Cooking it for a bit longer can help this problem but if it doesn't then mould it into balls, cover in a layer of chocolate and voila- tasty chocolate truffles! 

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